Lab Schedule
The class meets every Tuesday from 1-4 pm and every Wednesday from 1-4 pm in the basement of Kerckhoff, with a few exceptions. We will not meet in the event that Ditch Day falls on one of the scheduled class days, but we may schedule a make-up.
Below is a schedule of experiments, journal clubs, tutorials, office hours, and due dates. Prior to many lab sessions, a prelab is due at the beginning of the lab period. All information for the prelabs, protocols, tutorials, and journal clubs can be found by clicking on the links below. This schedule will be closely followed, but is subject to change.
TA office hours are the only scheduled activities where attendance is not required. Office hours are Fridays and Mondays in the Kerckhoff basement (times TBA).
Prior to the start of class, you should compute the Setting up a Python Environment tutorial.